Part-Time Studies

General information:

The HfM Hanns Eisler Berlin generally offers full-time study programmes. Students are granted part-time study for the respective degree programme upon application.

Please use the application form provided for this purpose. In the case of double degree programmes, part-time study is not permitted.

Due to the specific nature of individual tuition in artistic education at the Hanns Eisler, part-time study is always for an even number of semesters and for at least two consecutive semesters. Unless students have specified a shorter duration in their application, part-time study is continuous.

In part-time study programmes, students are granted special deadlines, in particular for final theses, with reference to their personal situation. The extended periods may not be more than double the regular period.

Part-time students have the same status at the HfM as full-time students. Fees and contributions must be paid in full.

Visualisation on study documents:

Semesters in part-time studies are counted as half full study semesters of the course ("Fachsemester") and full university semesters ("Hochschulsemester"). On study documents, study semesters of the course ("Fachsemester") in part-time studies are shown according to the formula 1 full-time semester = 2 part-time semesters due to the individual teaching specificity in the artistic education of the school.
Example: Students studying full-time in the 2nd semester would be in the 4th semester of part-time study.