Leave of Absence

Students are generally able to apply for a leave of absence for one semester when they are able to provide adequate reasoning, for example, long-term illness. The right to a leave of absence is regulated by the General Study and Examination Regulations.

The application for a leave of absence must be submitted by the appropriate deadline. In special circumstances such as illness or maternity leave, the application must be made by the end of the lecture period for the semester in which they would like to take leave. Retroactive leaves of absences are not possible. The deadline can be found here.Taking a leave of absence in the first semester is not allowed.

It is possible to apply to the General Student Committee (AStA) for a grant for all or part of the semester ticket price from HfM's social funds. It is generally not possible to use the Deutschlandsemesterticket during your leave of absence.

In the event of a leave of absence, the studierendenWERK Berlin fee (Sozialbeitrag) may only be waived in the following cases:

  • Conscription or mandatory civil service
  • Pregnancy or maternity leave
  • Studying abroad or completing an internship outside of Berlin

The administrative fee may only be waived in the following cases:

  • Conscription or mandatory civil service