The modern music business presents young upcoming musicians with various new challenges: They are increasingly being asked to actively participate in the conceptual and organisational development of projects in addition to their musical and artistic work. Among other things, they are expected to design and manage their own performance formats, take an active stance on social issues as artistic personalities and find answers to contemporary questions with their art.
The "Creative Career Center" for interdisciplinary professionalisation (FÜP department) at the Hanns Eisler School of Music is there to impart this know-how. With numerous different courses and projects, students are given the opportunity to acquire valuable skills that will support them in their professional development in the long term and sustainably.
"If you only know about music, you don't know anything about it either."
Hanns Eisler
How do I write a convincing application for a scholarship, an academy position or an orchestra position? How do I write interesting texts for a programme booklet? How do I acquire funding for a project? How do I present my own concert? What do I need to bear in mind when designing concert and performance formats? How do I organise and curate a project? How do I communicate my music to an audience? And how can I organise myself to meet the demands of my studies and professional life without burning out?
For all these and many other questions, students are offered space for discussion, exchange and finding suitable answers in the various courses in the FÜP department. This allows them to learn how to deal confidently with the challenges they will face in the course of their career and to become holistic artistic personalities who are able to take on social responsibility and contribute to cultural life in a variety of ways with their art.
Teaser list
The subject "Interdisciplinary Professionalisation" (FÜP) deals with all topics that at first glance appear to lie outside the artistic field, but are in fact closely interlinked with artistic practice.
The main subject areas are
- Self-management
- Project management
- Music and the market
- Music dramaturgy
- Music mediation
- Music education
The FÜP department offers interesting and valuable courses in all these fields. You can find an overview of the wide range of courses here.
Self-management refers to the planning and organisation of one's own everyday professional life. In the courses that deal with self-management, basic skills for mastering the everyday challenges of studying and working are taught and appropriate working methods are developed.
Music mediation is about the question of how musicians can communicate their art to an audience in such a way that the content, intentions and messages are perceived and understood by the audience and the performance experience becomes a touching and inspiring experience. In the courses dedicated to music mediation, various forms and formats for communicating music can be explored, tried out and newly developed.
Talk to your major and minor subject lecturers and consider together which skills are relevant to your subject-specific training and how you can optimally supplement your artistic training by participating in the individual courses in the FÜP area. You are also welcome to take advantage of personal counselling from lecturers in the FÜP department. You can find more information here.
Registration for courses takes place via the student portal eislerCampus. Detailed instructions for registering for compulsory and elective courses can be found under this link. If you have any questions about your study programme, please contact the Student Advisory Service at studium(at)adm.hfm-berlin.de; if you have technical questions, please send an email to eislercampus.hilfe(at)adm.hfm-berlin.de.
Courses in the FÜP department are generally held in German. However, some courses are also offered in English. Please check the course description on the eislerCampus student portal when registering for a course to find out in which language the respective course is held.
The digital courses offered by the FÜP department can be accessed via the Digital Offers subpage. The digital courses are currently still being developed and will be gradually expanded. Please note that the digital courses on offer serve as a supplement to the regular courses offered by the FÜP department, but cannot replace them. Therefore, no credit points can be awarded for the use of the digital courses. Nevertheless, the online courses and other media offerings provide you with a good opportunity to continue your education in various subject areas at your own pace and in a flexible location.
The courses in the FÜP department are generally seminars that are related to both theory and practice. This gives you the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge you have acquired in the respective course in the form of projects and exercises. In the "Project Management" course, for example, you will not only learn the relevant theoretical principles, but also design, organise and administer a project yourself - in line with the motto "learning by doing". In the respective course descriptions on the eislerCampus student portal and in the course catalogue, you will find more detailed information on which projects and practical exercises you can take part in within the respective course.
If you are interested in topics that are not yet or not sufficiently represented in the courses of the FÜP department, or if you have suggestions as to which courses and projects can be used to expand and improve teaching, please contact the departmental coordinator. You can find the relevant contact details in the info box on this page. We are always happy to receive new ideas, suggestions and constructive feedback to improve our educational programme!
As certain questions about professional development often only arise after graduation and can become acute problems if left unanswered, we are happy to provide you with personal and professional counselling even after you have graduated. You are also welcome to take part in the courses of the FÜP department as a graduate if there are still places available in the respective course and you make arrangements with the respective lecturers in advance. You can then apply for guest auditor status for participation in one or more FÜP courses via the Student Affairs Service Unit. You can find more information here.
We are also happy to advise you personally on your professional development and our range of courses. You can find more information about our counselling services on the Consultation subpage. You can also book a counselling appointment there. We look forward to hearing from you!