The staff council of the HfM
As the staff council of the HfM, we represent officers and employees from the administration, as well as non-professorial teaching staff, and we mediate between these individuals and the school leadership. We are involved in all personnel decisions, and we monitor compliance with pay scales and laws, conclude service agreements with the school leadership, and provide support in the event of conflicts.
All interviews are confidential, and are subject to strict confidentiality in accordance with §11 concerning of the Berlin law concerning personnel representation.
The basis for our work is the Berlin law concerning personnel representation (Personalvertretungsgesetz Berlin = PersVG), which stipulates the tasks, rights, and duties of personnel representation. In accordance with the law, our task is to work together with the administrative office ((Dienststelle)) in the framework of the laws and wage agreements, for the benefit of employees, and to facilitate the fulfillment of official duties. (§ 2 PersVG)
Weekly meetings of the staff council take place each Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.
- Judit Linow-Wagner (Chairwoman)
- Alexander Piefke (Deputy Chairman)
- Kanako Nakagawa-Bräkow
- Christof Fröschl
- Zsófia Büki