Academic Senate

Tasks of the Academic Senate

As the central administrative body of the Hanns Eisler School of Music, the Academic Senate (AS) discusses and makes decisions concerning policy and academic questions that affect the school as a whole. The Academic Senate consists of professors, academic employees, students, and employees in technology, service and administration, who are elected at four year intervals by school members. With the exception of meetings concerning personnel an appointment matters, all sessions of the Academic Senate are public.

  • To comment on drafts of the budget plan
  • To propose the establishment, modification, or elimination of organizational units
  • To establish or eliminate degree programs
  • To enact statutes
  • To establish guidelines for teaching, study, and examinations; to define procedural arrangements for school examinations across disciplines; as well as to issue opinions on study and exam regulations for the various departments
  • To adopt resolutions on school development plans and equipment planning as well as to define objectives regarding the appointment of instructors
  • To adopt resolutions concerning guidelines for the promotion of women and planning for the advancement of women
  • To issue opinions on proposals for appointments by the departments
  • To issue decisions of fundamental import concerning research and the promotion of young artistic talent
  • To adopt regulations concerning the utilization of school facilities
  • To determine enrollment figures
  • To coordinate the activities of the school’s departments and other facilities
  • To adopt resolutions concerning the selection of school directors as well as vice presidents and prorectors
  • To accept responsibility for other academic affairs which affect the school as a whole in the event that no other body has jurisdiction


Academic Senate 

ChairProf. Andrea Tober

Prof. Byron Knutson (list 1)
Prof. Stephan Picard (list 2)
Prof. Stephan Forck (list 2)
Prof. Sebastian Stier (list 3)
n.n. (list 3)
Prof. Viola Wilmsen (list 4)
Prof. Volker Tessmann (list 4)

Sub. list 1: Prof. Anna Korondi
Sub. list 2: Prof. Wolfgang Redik
Sub. list 4: Prof. Sanja Fister

Academic Employees

Gunther Leonhardt
Annika Treutler
Sub.: Mikhail Mordvinov

Pedro José Cases Sanchez
Barbara Pfanzelt

Sub.: Jonathan Lauwers
Employees in technology, service and administrationJohannes Hellmann
Annemarie Stadler-Janetzki
1st sub.: Svenja Kugel
2nd sub.: Karin Kickbusch

Extended Academic Senate


Prof. Louise Pollock (list 1)
Prof. Manuel Nawri (list 1)
Prof. Stefan Drees (list 2)
Prof. Eldar Nebolsin (list 2)

Sub. list 1: Prof. Ralf Forster
Sub. list 2: Prof. Maria Baptist
Academic Employees

Ikuko Odai
1st sub.: Andrei Banciu
2nd sub.: Mana Oguchi


Eléonore Rannou
Chian Lyn Loh

Sub.: Elham Nazem
Employees in technology, service and administrationPeggy Bertaux
1st sub.: Heike Nagel
2nd sub.: Eva Gabronova
3rd sub.: Marit Magister