Prof. Johannes Kittel

  • Born 1950 in Tharandt, Germany
  • Training at Berlin Special School for Music with Prof. Eberhard Feltz
  • From 1969 to 1976, violin studies at Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin with Prof. Eberhard Feltz
  • Participation in courses with Max Rostal, Juri Jankelewitsch and Jewgenia Tschugajewa
  • From 1976 to 1979, 1st violinist with Berlin Symphony Orchestra (now Konzerthausorchester Berlin) and until 1992 with Staatskapelle Berlin
  • Prizewinner at numerous competitions including International Instrumental Competition in Markneukirchen, International Bach Competition and Chamber Music Competition in Schwerin
  • Head of Violin Department at “Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach” Music College Berlin since 1999
  • Since 1974, Lecturer at Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin, fulltime since 1992, appointed Guest Professor in 2005