School news



Wagner for children: Lea Willeke stages "Lohengrin" as a children's opera in Bayreuth

Eisler directing students at the Bayreuth Festival 

This festival season, the Bayreuth Festival is presenting Richard Wagner's "Lohengrin" as a…

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Junger Mann mit Bratsche

Third prize at the Tokyo International Viola Competition for Sào Soulez Larivière

The French-Dutch violist Sào Soulez Larivière, who has been studying in the class of Prof. Tabea Zimmermann since 2017, has won third prize and three…

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M♀ZART Chamber Music Festival and opening of the new "Centre for Chamber Music"

With the chamber music festival "M♀ZART", the Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin opens its new "Centre for Chamber Music". For three days from July…

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Inmo Yang wins International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition 2022

South Korean violinist Inmo Yang has won the International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition 2022 in Helsinki. Inmo Yang is a master's student at the…

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Junge Frau im Flur

Alumna Fatma Said „Artist in Residence“ at the Konzerthaus Berlin

The Egyptian soprano and Eisler graduate Fatma Said will be "Artist in Residence" at the Konzerthaus Berlin in the 2022/23 saison. Fatma Said…

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Alumnus Yu-An Chang New Principal Conductor of Taipei Chinese Orchestra

Alumnus Yu-An Chang becomes the new Principal Conductor of the Taipei Chinese Orchestra. He studied with Prof. Hans-Dieter Baum and Prof. Christian…

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Trio Tempestoso

Trio Tempestoso Receives 2022 Dwight and Ursula Mamlok Foundation Award

Trio Tempestoso has received the 2022 Dwight and Ursula Mamlok Foundation Contemporary Music Performers Award. The trio has been studying chamber…

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Michaela Špacková mit Fagott

Michaela Špačková receives the startup!music award 2022

She is an extraordinary musician, winner of several awards, committed and musically versatile. The young Czech bassoonist Michaela Špačková presents…

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Cellistin im Marstall

The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation continues to support students in financial difficulties

For the fourth time, the Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin has received a generous donation from the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation for students…

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Oboistin Viola Wilmsen

Viola Wilmsen appointed professor for oboe

Viola Wilmsen was appointed professor of oboe at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin from the summer semester of 2022.

Viola Wilmsen studied…

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